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How Common Are Vaccine Injuries?

female with hand over chest in pain

Vaccines are really important for keeping us healthy and stopping diseases from spreading. Most of the time, they work great and don’t cause any problems. But sometimes, people can have bad reactions to vaccines.

If you believe you or your child have been injured by a vaccine, consult a vaccine injury attorney to seek justice and compensation.

What is a Vaccine Injury?

A vaccine injury is when someone has a serious health problem because of a vaccine. It’s not just feeling a little sick or having a sore arm for a few days.

Vaccine injuries are much more serious and can last a long time. They’re very rare, but when they do happen, they can be really tough for the person who gets hurt.

Causes of Vaccine Injuries

Vaccine injuries can happen for a few different reasons:

  • Allergic reactions: Sometimes, people can be allergic to something in the vaccine. This is why doctors often ask if you’re allergic to things like eggs or gelatin before giving you a shot.
  • Problems with the immune system: Vaccines work by making your immune system react. But in very rare cases, this can cause the immune system to react too much or in the wrong way.
  • Contamination: If the vaccine gets contaminated (meaning bad stuff gets into it) during the making or storing process, it could cause problems. This is super rare because there are lots of safety checks.
  • Mistakes in giving the vaccine: If the person giving the shot makes a mistake, like putting it in the wrong place or giving too much, it could cause an injury.

It’s important to remember that these things almost never happen. Vaccines go through lots of testing to make sure they’re safe before they’re given to people.

Common Types of Vaccine Injuries

While vaccine injuries are rare, there are some types that doctors and scientists have seen before:

  • Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS): This is when your immune system attacks your nerves. It can cause weakness and even paralysis.
  • Anaphylaxis, which is a very serious allergic reaction that can happen right after getting a vaccine.
  • Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA) which happens when the shot is given too high on the shoulder, causing pain and limited movement.
  • In very rare cases, some vaccines might cause seizures, especially in young children.
  • Some people have reported long-lasting joint pain after certain vaccines.

Statistics on Vaccine Injuries

It’s hard to know exactly how many vaccine injuries happen because not all of them might get reported. But from what we do know, they’re very uncommon. Here are some facts:

The U.S. government has a program called the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Anyone can report a problem after a vaccine to VAERS.

Each year, the number of reports sent to VAERS changes. In 2019, VAERS got more than 48,000 reports. Most of these reports, about 85-90%, talked about mild side effects. These are things like:

  • Fever
  • Sore arm
  • Feeling a bit cranky

These kinds of side effects aren’t usually serious. They’re just your body’s normal reaction to the vaccine. They show that your immune system is working and learning how to fight off the disease.

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) is a government program that gives money to people who were really hurt by vaccines. From 2006 to 2019, the VICP paid about 6,390 claims from 4 billion doses. That’s about 1 claim paid for every 1 million doses of vaccine given.

These numbers show that while vaccine injuries can happen, they’re extremely rare. The chance of getting seriously sick from a disease is much, much higher than the chance of getting hurt by a vaccine.

Steps to Take if You Suspect a Vaccine Injury

If you think you or someone you know might have a vaccine injury, here’s what you should do:

  • First, get medical help right away. When you see a doctor, tell them exactly which vaccine you got and when you got it. This information will help them understand what might be happening. It’s also a good idea to keep detailed records of your symptoms. Write down when each symptom started, how it changes over time, and any medical care you receive. This record can be really helpful later on.
  • Next, consider reporting your experience to VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. You can do this online yourself, or you can ask your doctor to do it for you. VAERS helps the government keep track of possible vaccine side effects, which is important for keeping vaccines safe for everyone. Remember, reporting to VAERS doesn’t mean you’re filing a claim or suing anyone – it’s just to provide information.
  • If your injury is serious, you might want to think about filing a claim with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). This program can help pay for medical care and other costs if you were really hurt by a vaccine. You don’t need to prove anyone did anything wrong to file a claim. However, there are time limits for filing, so it’s important to look into this option as soon as you can.
  • Finally, consider talking to a vaccine injury lawyer. These lawyers focus on helping people who might have been hurt by vaccines. They can help you understand your rights and guide you through the process of filing a claim if you decide to do so.
  • They can also represent you in vaccine court if your case goes that far. The good news is that you don’t have to pay the lawyer yourself – if your claim is approved, the VICP pays the lawyer’s fees separately from any money you might receive.

Never Wait to Consult a Vaccine Injury Lawyer Today

If you think you might have a vaccine injury, talk to a vaccine injury lawyer as soon as possible. There are deadlines for filing claims, and waiting too long might mean you can’t get help. These cases can be complicated, but a lawyer experienced in vaccine injuries can guide you through the process.

You don’t have to pay unless you win, as the VICP covers the lawyer’s fees separately. A good lawyer ensures you receive all the help you deserve and fights for your rights. Remember, consulting a lawyer doesn’t obligate you to file a claim. They can help you understand your case and options.

If you suspect a vaccine injury, get medical help, keep good records, and contact Jeffrey S. Pop & Associates vaccine injury attorneys for legal advice. Call us at (888) 891-2816 or contact us online.
