About Side Effects Of The HPV Vaccine
An Overview Of Long-Term Side Effects
The HPV vaccine plays a crucial role in protecting patients against different kinds of cancer, including cervical, anal, vaginal, penile, and vulvar, caused by an infection with the human papillomavirus, HPV.
Although the vaccine has proved safe and effective in protecting boys, girls, and adults for many years, people have expressed concern over its safety. Anyone who develops HPV vaccine long-term side effects endures hefty medical bills, emotional anguish, dull social life, and missed school.
Healthcare providers have to educate patients on the potential side effects of the HPV vaccine.
If you or a loved one is experiencing a worsened life due to HPV side effects, consider speaking to a trusted vaccine injury attorney who can provide legal guidance and support.
Similar to other medications, it is possible to encounter a negative side effect after an HPV vaccine injection. Unfortunately, many side effects of the HPV vaccine are mild and go away within a day or two.
Here are the common side effects of the HPV vaccine:
- Nausea
- Headache
- Joint or muscle pain
- Fever
- Pain, swelling, and redness in the arm where the healthcare provider administered the shot
- Fainting or dizziness— Fainting is a common side effect in adolescents than others
- Fatigue or Headaches
Healthcare providers advise adolescent patients to sit or lie down during vaccination and 15 minutes after to prevent fainting and injuries related to fainting.
A severe allergic reaction to the HPV vaccine is rare. However, healthcare providers have the skills to deal with and treat HPV vaccine allergic reactions.
While some people have expressed reservations about the safety of the HPV vaccine, most information found online on vaccine ineffectiveness is untrue. No evidence suggests that the HPV vaccine has long-term side effects or is responsible for long-term health complications.
These concerns encompass auto-immune diseases, such as Guillain-Barré Syndrome, and fertility issues associated with the HPV vaccine.
If you are experiencing long-term side effects from the HPV vaccine, reach out to Jeffrey S. Pop & Associates online or give us a call at (888) 891-2816.
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HPV and Fertility
Evidence shows that the HPV vaccine does not cause fertility problems.
However, not getting the HPV vaccine exposes people to the risk of HPV cancer and abnormal cells that cause cancer.
Here are a few reasons why people link the HPV vaccine to infertility:
- People who develop cancer caused by HPV undergo treatment(chemotherapy or radiation) that sometimes limits their ability to have children
- Treatment for cervical precancer could also put women at risk of cervix issues that could cause preterm delivery.
Gardasil Side Effects: What You Need to Know
Anyone who is allergic to ingredients of GARDASIL 9 should not take the vaccine. It also includes those who had an allergic reaction to type 6,11,16, and 18 HPV vaccines.
The side effects of the GARDASIL 9 vaccine include pain, swelling, redness, bruising, and bleeding at the point of injection. Other reactions include headache, fever, nausea, and dizziness.
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Choosing Experience & Compassion What Sets Jeffrey S. Pop & Associates Apart?
Our team specializes exclusively in vaccine injury cases, bringing deep knowledge and a focused approach to securing justice and compensation for our clients.
We prioritize individualized attention, ensuring each client receives compassionate support and tailored legal strategies to meet their unique needs and circumstances.
With a history of successful outcomes and satisfied clients, our firm has established a reputation for effectively navigating the complexities of vaccine injury claims.
Our commitment to making legal representation accessible and risk-free ensures you will not incur any attorney fees. We are dedicated to providing quality legal services without financial barriers.
Legal Perspective: Gardasil Seizures Lawsuit Cases
The role of vaccines is to protect patients but not put them in harm’s way. The Gardasil vaccine can cause various side effects, including injuries and, in the worst case, death. Healthcare providers should guide a suitable candidate who can take the vaccine.
In addition, some drug companies put profits over safety and often rush to market products without adequate testing and research, which may leave patients to bear the consequences.
An Ohio woman filed a lawsuit against Merk, claiming that the vaccine caused seizures and other complications linked to her immune system.
According to the court documents, Merk allegedly conducted fraudulent research and marketing, which exposed a generation of teens and young adults to a vaccine with questionable efficiency and risk of complications.
You may be entitled to compensation if you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms such as seizures linked to the vaccine. Consider speaking to an experienced vaccine injury attorney who can evaluate your case and pursue the matter in court.
An attorney can seek financial compensation to cover the following vaccine-related costs:
- Medical expenses
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of companionship
- Emotional anguish
- Loss of income
- Reduced quality of life
- Punitive damages
- Funeral expenses
- Loss of consortium
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